Tuesday, January 8, 2019

America Should Assist Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan

The brutal sinification of the Turkish Uyghurs is increasingly generating national-racial radicalism and we are hearing more and more about Uyghur fighters escaping to Afghanistan and Central Asia. ISIS had several Uyghur units fighting in Syria and Iraq, and Uyghurs have been carrying out terror acts in Europe and Turkey. Since America has concluded that China is a hostile rival not to say enemy, it needs to find allies whose interest are aligned with the anti-Chinese sentiment. The Uyghurs are a potential asset and should be assisted. Since the only friends they have are Muslim guerillas in Afghanistan, those friends of our potential friends should be organized into the Asian alliance America is trying to build.  Video: Uyghur folk dance. 

The Hui Muslims of Western China also have differences with the Han and their dictatorship. They have no territorial demands but their religion and their contacts with Central Asian Muslims are inacceptable. The Chinese are notoriously arrogant and insensitive (they believe in nothing - only bureaucratic promotion and money) and they are unable to distinguish between Jews and Muslims, and their subdivisions seem bizarre and incomprehensible for them. The last time I was in China, they assigned an Uyghur muslim secret policeman to look after me. I did not care and accepted his presents (enormous peaches and apples) but it was very strange. I asked him to take me to the Jewish street of Kaifeng, which is in the middle of the Muslim quarter, and I also entered mosques, and it was clear that the Huy recognized my escort like the policeman he was. I wondered if the Chinese authorities were aware of the difference between a Turkish Uyghur and the Arabic Huys. I wonder how are doing the Jewish-descendants in Kaifeng. Some have made Aliyah.  


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  3. Fighting fire with fire is an old and proven ecological principle.
