Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Death in Manaus

Manaus, in the middle of the Amazonas rainforest. The corona virus reached them. 

Sunday, May 3, 2020

BAZAN is the exception

Today there is a general retreat of 3% in the stock exchange, with only one stock of TA35 still green, the Israeli refinery BAZAN.  What is happening? the air transport industry has crashed, no demand for refined products, the price of oil is near zero. 
Could it be that BAZAN's competition is exiting the market? Turkey’s largest oil refiner Tüpraş will temporarily stop production at its 220,000-barrel-per-day İzmir oil refinery as coronavirus lockdowns hit fuel demand, the firm has said in a stock exchange filing. Output at the refinery, which has an annual processing capacity of 11.9 million tons, will be suspended from May 5 until July 1.
I am not buying  because of the uncertainty. I am in cash.

Israeli Gendarmes Razing Jewish Family's Homes

150 Border Police deploy to Yitzhar to halt Zarug family circumcision

About 150 Border Police arrived in Yitzhar to prevent the Zarug family Brit Milah circumcision ceremony in the Kumi Ori neighborhood. Forces deployed on roads leading to the neighborhood and around the ruins of the Zarug family home.
The Zarug family, whose home was demolished by Border Police and Civil Administration days ago in Yitzhar, announced that they would be preparing to hold their Brit on the demolished home at 11am on Sunday.
Neria and Miriam Zarug even circulated public invitations on the networks to join the ceremony or participate live with them online.
Border forces are still preventing the Zarug family and another family from returning to their homes that were demolished in the Kumi Ori neighborhood. In recent days, the families have been struggling to return to their homes.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

"Biden Penetrated Her With His Fingers"

The Democrats are receiving the same treatment that gave to Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh. Presidential prospective candidate Biden is now battling Ms. Reade’s accusations, which have been percolating for several weeks.  She charges that, in the spring of 1993, Mr. Biden cornered her in a deserted hallway of the Capitol complex, pinned her against a wall, reached under her skirt and penetrated her with his fingers.

In my personal scale of sexual crimes, it would be equivalent to "pre-rape". Once the fingers are deep insider her, her body automatically stops resisting and prepares for the expected  fucking. When the actual fucking is not coming, her body feels cheated and the woman feels anger and claims revenge. That is what may have happened, now after seven years and in the moment he is most vulnerable, she takes her revenge.

On the other hand, Biden may have been performing a two-finger test on her, which is perfectly legal.

Victorians were smarter.  Secretaries were male, mostly homosexuals. No secretary would accuse the boss of such friendly act. 

Friday, May 1, 2020

Predicting Conflict

The central aim of American foreign policy has traditionally been to dominate the western hemisphere while not permitting another great power to dominate Europe or Northeast Asia. The United States has not wanted a peer competitor. In the wake of the Cold War, U.S. policymakers remain firmly committed to this goal. An important Pentagon planning document stated in 1992, "Our first objective is to prevent the reemergence of a new rival ... that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union. ... Our strategy must now refocus on precluding the emergence of any potential future global competitor." Prof. John Maersheimer, 2001

China is today America's global rival. Its emergence intends to be pacific, but America will not allow that. It is not President Trump and Secretary Pompeo, it is America's permanent vital interest. The media is fomenting hate against China, each day that the people is confined to their home increases their frustration and hate. Part of this hate will be channeled against the Jews, and the Sochnut is preparing itself to receive 100,000 American olim in the next two years.   


Some Bollywood products are entertaining. She is called Pannu.