Saturday, May 2, 2020

"Biden Penetrated Her With His Fingers"

The Democrats are receiving the same treatment that gave to Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh. Presidential prospective candidate Biden is now battling Ms. Reade’s accusations, which have been percolating for several weeks.  She charges that, in the spring of 1993, Mr. Biden cornered her in a deserted hallway of the Capitol complex, pinned her against a wall, reached under her skirt and penetrated her with his fingers.

In my personal scale of sexual crimes, it would be equivalent to "pre-rape". Once the fingers are deep insider her, her body automatically stops resisting and prepares for the expected  fucking. When the actual fucking is not coming, her body feels cheated and the woman feels anger and claims revenge. That is what may have happened, now after seven years and in the moment he is most vulnerable, she takes her revenge.

On the other hand, Biden may have been performing a two-finger test on her, which is perfectly legal.

Victorians were smarter.  Secretaries were male, mostly homosexuals. No secretary would accuse the boss of such friendly act. 


  1. It's weird how they suddenly bring forth these claim whenever the rapist is running for president.

    It is possible that powerful men are also able to pull strings and suppress police reports and orchestrate a media blackout to prevent their crime from being widely known. The woman may report the harassment to her friends and family but beyond that it will be unknown.

    But I find it hard to believe that she could not publish anything in not a single newspaper or article until now, when Biden is running for office.

    These harassment scandals are all orchestrated by the political opponents of the man in every case. For all of feminism's blunder, I don't think most men or women really care about sexual harassment that much. They just accept as a fact of nature and move on. Women by trying to avoid being accosted by men they are not attracted to, and men by protecting their own daughters, wives, sisters. You can't save the whole world, or change human nature.

    1. All this sanctimoniousness is fake and part of the political game. People has to play along with general morality to survive and everybody does. Children think it is hypocresy but it is not.
