Sunday, May 31, 2020

America Thorn

The fact that the current wave of racial riots in the USA started in Minneapolis, the most liberal-progressive city of all, shows that liberalism causes disorder and war, and that strong authoritarian regimes keep the peace. The abandonment of the government to African politicians and the manning of the police by Africans did not neutralize the anarchistic movements, but had the opposite effect.
Minneapolis Major Jacob Frey is a young Jew who defeated its opponent thanks to the radical wave within the Democratic Party. President Trump defined him as the "weak radical Democratic major" and proposed to intervene to restore law and order. It seems to me that that the current disorder favors Trump. On the other hand, one cannot know how the mass of Americans will react.

The Democratic candidate is Joe Biden, nearing eighty, and looking rather weak and senile. The illustration does not proe anything, but it is funny. Reagan was definitely senile yet he made a great President. I better liked the America of twenty years ago. But that is only natural. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. You are proposing violence. If I leave your comment, Google will erase my account. So, spageti, no do.

    2. You're an israeli, you know all about violence when it suits your needs.

      Google doesn't care about your blog. Unless somebody brings it to their attention by reporting it. You have nothing to worry about.

    3. I am not against police violence per se. They are paid to apply force to protect the population. Regarding the Minneapolis incident, I cannot find a word published about the criminal background of the victim, only that he was falsifying banknotes. Apparently he was a professional criminal, but the media is mude on the subject.
