Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Geopolitical Realignment

 Richard Falk, an 80 y/o/ former professor of international law from Princeton University, has said Arab countries have shifted their alliance which was against Israel toward Iran.

“The primary alignment of the Arab countries has shifted from antagonism toward Israel to Iran, with Israel becoming a tacit partner and coupled with U.S. backing."


Sunday, August 23, 2020

The NYT Front Page: "Black women are the superheroes the world needs"

The New York Times, front page today. 

 Another: 3 crazy people tried escaping an insane asylum While running the first one said "if there is a tall fence well dig under it" The second one said "if there is a short fence well jump over it" The third one ran forword and said "guys we are screwed there is no fence" 

In an insane asylum one night, someone cried "I am John Lennon!" His caretaker said, "How do you know?" The patient said, "God told me!" Just then, his roommate shouted, "I did not!"

Wisconsin Governor Urges, in Effect, Blacks to Riot - STEVE SAILER • AUGUST 24, 2020

Friday, August 21, 2020

India: OBCs and SCs and STs

The anti-Semitic Jewish Laws of the 1930s and 1940s defined Jews racially and by 1939, out of 6,738 advocates in Hungary, 3,523, or 52 percent, were classified as Jewish including converts.  In Budapest, among 3,386 advocates, 2,040, or 60 percent were Jewish.  The Second Jewish Law disbarred 1,488 advocates in Budapest, i.e., more than 70 percent, while in the other counties the percentage was even higher.

This database contains the names of 3,440 Jewish advocates listed in the 1944 edition of the official journal, the Budapesti Kozlony (Budapest Bulletin), together with names of the ethnic Hungarian lawyers that inherited their business. 

Tamil Brahmins, specially the Iyer caste, were the backbone of the British administration, but since independence they were gradually displaced by the OBCs. In a democracy, votes count, and about 50 to 70 of the population belongs to the darker, poorer castes, causing a political situation where the Indian administration (jobs, money) has been divided up following quotas.  The original scheduled castes (SCs) and scheduled tribes (STs) were joined by the OBCs the other backward castes, and together were assigned 50% of the "cake". Tamil Brahmins were ethnically cleansed and all openings for advancement were closed before them. The consequence was massive emigration. Many arrived to the USA and soon they became the wealthiest ethnic minority of the country. Kamala Harris's mother belonged to this elite group. 

The ethnic quota system favors the "Backward Classes" and rapidly leads to the emigration of the talented. Already there are quotas in America in the elite universities and many government areas. American Jews should study Hungary's Numerus Clausus legislation and extract their conclusions.

Illustration: Partial list of the Jewish lawyers disbarred a hundred years ago in Hungary. Unfortunately, Hungarian Jews never woke to reality and ended in the gas chambers of Auschwitz. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Day of Doing Nothing

 It appears that yesterday I was more tired than thought and today I could not focus and work. I am not depressed just not concentrating in work. Read some Pandoren story by Boris Akunin, then Truth by Terry Pratchett of the Diskworld, then I watched Addio Africa, a 1964 film about the times of Stanleyville and the return of Moise Tsombe from exile. The scene of the mass massacre of the Arabs in Zanzibar are  memorable. I am always shocked watching 70 years old films and photographs how skinny people was then. There are no people like that today. 

Einstein Dies

 The type of aneurysm that Einstein had is statistically linked with being old and male. However, the majority of people developing an AAA also have a history of smoking. Only lung cancer is more closely associated to smoking among tobacco-related diseases. In an analysis of risk factors for AAAs in more than three million individuals, 80% of people who developed the aneurysm were smokers. Another systematic study found that current smokers were 7.6 times more likely to have an AAA than nonsmokers. The aneurysm’s prevalence and size are strongly linked to the amount of smoking one does, and Einstein was a heavy pipe smoker for decades.

Einstein’s doctors ordered him to stop smoking during his various illnesses. He sporadically obeyed. When friends gave him gifts of tobacco during these brief periods of abstinence, Einstein would open the gift, sniff to enjoy the aroma, and then give it away to someone else.  But Einstein always succumbed to the overwhelming temptation of his beloved vice. He often resorted to taking tobacco handouts from friends. Dr. Plesch especially felt sorry for the needy, embarrassed Einstein and provided him with a steady supply of tobacco and cigars despite the orders of Einstein’s other doctors and second wife, Elsa.


Einstein and his second wife, Elsa (via Wikimedia Commons).

During his doctors’ smoking bans, when Einstein walked to the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, where he had worked since 1933, the old physicist picked up cigarette butts from the street and filled his pipe with bits of discarded tobacco. He initially walked to the Institute across from the nearby meadow, but he switched routes because the street offered more abandoned tobacco. Einstein tried to summon the courage to openly defy the bans, but he worried about offending his doctors.

Newark: Pay Your Water Bill Immediately

Water is a Human Right, as we all acknowledge, thus on March 31, 2020, an order was issued by the governor of Ohio requiring that public water systems cease disconnecting services for reasons of non-payment, sighting that services still had to be paid.  

The governor has revoked the order to abstain from shutting water off for nonpayment.  The revocation was effective from June 2020. 

To avoid termination of services, plus having additional fees added,  any delinquent balance due should be paid immediately. 

My computer says that the link, to the City of Newark, is Not Secure.  
