Friday, September 25, 2020

The West Bank according to the CIA

The CIA maintains a useful data bank. I believe no voluntary distorsions are included, but somehow the data on the West Bank seems to mirror a place I do not know. Gross Natonal Product = $9.828 billion (2014 est.). Since population is about 2.9 million (including 0.5 million Jews), it is 3,500 $ per capita. It is in the Nigeria - Bangla Desh group. However, One does not see human misery in the roads or in the villages. On the contrary, one sees palatial buildings and brand-new Mercedes Benz cars. Many schools and universities, at middays the streets are full of uniformed children coming from school, and the statistics too prove that the youth is studying. This is an active, enterprising, commercial people. Yet every second Palestinian I talk with, dreams of moving to Europe or America. Against all the rethoric and posturing of "return to Palestine", most seem to be searching for ways to joing their relatives in the West.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Hope vs Hopelessness

The corona epidemic is getting to our nerves. Today, 7000 infected in Israel. My daughter feels all kinds of symptoms and fears having the disease. She succeeded in infecting - with her hysteria - my wife. I have two clients phoning me all day - why I don't answer and why I am not advancing with their projects. I wish they would disappear. I'll have to face them sooner or later, tomorrow or Friday. 

I had planned my life so that I shall work till age .. (my current age) . It seemed so far away that I did not plan anything after that.  Life passed without noticing and now I have no future plans. Everybody says that not working causes hopelessness, depression, disease and early death. I have several professional articles half-written, and I am not finishing them because of "what for?" I believe it does no good for my children to inherit much, or am I just an old miser?

Woody Allen convinced himself that had brain cancer and walked aimlessly and then entered a cinema where he watched a Marx Brothers film. What the Hell, I am enjoying it! and went to work. 

Sunday, September 20, 2020

The CIA, Mobutu Sese Seko and el Che Guevara

  I am rereading A Bend on the River by Naipaul. In the novel there is a Belgian teacher, former adviser of Mobutu and now, disgraced, edits his speeches in the hope of regaining his favor. I tried to find if there was such book or it was the writer's invention, and voila! there it is on the internet (in French). The drama of the Belgian Congo has been forgotten, and as is my boss M. Portalis's Latinoconsult project in Katanga. See the documentary on YouTube. 

In the movie there is an interview with the CIA agent who tells how they tried to identify potential leaders around Lumumba, and how - later - he received the order to eliminate Lumumba. Lumumba was trying to align his strategic, copper and uranium mining country, with the socialist camp. The order was carried out by Mobutu, whose faithful service was rewarded with firm support from the West. that allowed him to steal millions and enjoy it undisturbed in Europe. 

When later the mining province of Katanga tried to secede with the assistance of the Che, the rebellion's leader Kabila was persuaded to change sides and the rebels were liquidated by South African soldiers.  Kabila became President of the Congo, and after he was assassinated, his son Joseph inherited the post. El Che said that the rebels were not serious and moved to start a guerrilla in Bolivia. Naipaul's Indian trading families are back in Stanleyville (whatever it is called now). The book has been accused of pro-colonialism, in my opinion, rightly. Moreover, it is racist, he explains the riots, the massacres and the rage of the Africans "for being what they are" - an enigmatic yet crystal clear diagnosis of postcolonial Africa. And not only Africa. 

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Harvard Haram!


I am reading about Jewish girls passing for Afro-Americans, for Portorricans, etc. to get into good universities in the USA and enjoy  priority hiring for good jobs. Noia my granddaughter has reddish Afro hair, so she may claim privileged minority status. She could be admitted by Harvard, thanks either to her hairstyle or her Ashkenazi IQ, a rare, lucky combination. But I am against it. Harvard Haram as in Boko (Book in Hausa) Haram. If I have influence left, she is headed to an ulpana in Jerusalem. Alas, she will do what her mother and grandmother decide. 

Friday, September 18, 2020

New Jewish Year

At 2 PM today the country goes into isolation for three weeks. The coronavirus epidemic is raging and each day some 5000 catches it.  There are 50,000 active cases aka sick people. For the younger people is a bad flu, for adults it may take two weeks in bed, for elders like me it means a stay in the hospital on respirator and then a painful death.  As for me, I must be in good shape and healthy since last night I had a wet dream. I am surprised since it is an adolescent exuberance  uncommon at my legendary age. Six signed contracts are waiting - a lot of work - I need motivation. Grandchildren are sick, Shkeddy has the aftosa virus (the hoof-and-mouth disease which I knew as a South American bovine disease), another is allergic to gluten. Friends are not calling and when they do, we have nothing to talk about. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The TAPLINE: Israel Finds its Niche

 ARAMCO built the TAP oil line between the  pumping stations in Saudia and the port of Haifa, bypassing the expensive maritime route of the Suez Canal. For a hundred years, a TAPline lays unused because political instability of the Middle East. Now, the United States, after a generation of wars has quieted down the area and the TAPline, that never died, is being revived.

Israel, Egypt and Greece are building a gas line to Europe. If the two systems are joined, we have complete secure energy supply to Europe. The loser will be Russia, that will be outpriced from the European market. The winner will be America, having its fingers holding the energy aorta of Europe. Israel will realize its foundational dream of integrating itself into the British (now American) global economic system. BTW, all the troubles of Argentina started when it lost its position as food supplier within the British "imperialist" system.  Till now it cannot find a place in the new system. 

 I am reading secret English reports on the perspectives of the Jews in Eretz Israel after the Mandate. The tone is arrogant even antisemitic. The Jews live from donations and have zero fighting inclination and skill. They did not gave us a year.  

Jews Praying In the White House

 History Made Today.