Tuesday, October 25, 2022


I am aware of my age and condition, yet I only realize my situation by looking at my old friends.  Today died Alejandro Alaluf and found a sad story about his wife Sarita. We all made aliyah at the same time and spent half a year in the Kfar Saba ulpan. Alejandro married Sarita Gelbard and opened a dental clinic here. In the clip (pic), I cannot recognize the sexy redhead I knew then. Forty years in the same village, and they never invited me. Now she is very ill, secluded at home, looking demented. At the start of the COVID-19 epidemy, she panicked and paid 13,000 sheqels (3500 US$ then) to a "friendly" neighbor for a dozen of masks. I feel blessed am still living, healthy and working; my wife and the family are all right. I  have survived virtually all my male friends, yet I am still far from the average life expectancy of Israeli males. As Solon answered king Croesus if he considered him "happy" and living a good life, 

I count no man happy until his death, for no man can know what the gods may have in store for him. (Herodotus, I.32)

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Defenestration in the Plenarium


I do not understand the political background of what is happening in the above video. But it is very dramatic. The leader ejects his left-hand sidekick. In the picture, Hu is trying to grab a pile of documents, but Xi puts his right hand over it. Observe the stony faces of the Politburo members as the disgraced man is taken out behind their backs. They seem to say "I see nothing, I am not here".

The official version is that Hu was feeling unwell and was politely escorted out. But we see that a policeman and not a doctor led him out, and he resisted.  Some called Wu writes" If he was sick, the people around him would have come forward to care, at least take a wheelchair and let Hu sit and push it out."

Another nicknamed Truth comments:  If it's a physical reason, why didn't any of the officials in the front row stand up to greet/ask about the old man's condition? Do you think that Hu always touches porcelain? Or don't want to get bad luck?

I say it was a setup for the whole world to see who is the Boss. 

P.S.: Hu became instantly non-person and was immediately erased from the internet. 

Friday, October 21, 2022

Nazi U-Boat remains found in Argentina shores

It is well known that Peron provided passports and refuge to Nazi criminals escaping from Europe after WWII. There were even rumors that Nazi submarines were sighted in the South, carrying high-ranking Nazis. There was even a book titled "Is Hitler Alive?" that proposed that Hitler had escaped and arrived on one of the submarines and was living in Bariloche.  

Now, Clarin reports that the remains of a U-boat sunk and exploded were discovered and documented by an Italian team (Liga Navale Italiana LNI) 4.2 Km out of the coast of Necochea, at 28 m depth, facing the tourist spots of Costa Bonita and Arenas Verdes. 

The rumors had a basis in truth. We know that Nazis Eichman and Mengele, to mention only two of them, were living in Argentina. We know that the ODESSA organization existed. I had a very nice German girlfriend, Dorly Kohlman, and loved her. We could have married and made aliyah. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Mearsheimer and the Truth of America


Prof. Mearsheimer, in lecturing to Australians a few years ago, told them that they have to choose between China and the USA. Australia depends on China to buy its minerals. He warned that America had gone frenetic each time confronted by a peer competitor and did not stop till totally destroyed it. America is foaming at the mouth vis-a-vis China's rise and Australia better choose sides. What he predicted is happening. 

Today America is close to an outright state of war with China, with Biden intent on totally crippling China’s vital domestic microchip industry. Ron Unz says that this measure is eerily similar to the embargo imposed in 1941 against shipments of oil to Japan, a decision that led to the Pacific War. Undeclared war with Russia is not enough and America must have one at the same time with China as well.

Old liberal Biden appeared almost socialist before being elected but has been extraordinarily aggressive in foreign policy and protective of capitalism at home. At the same time, he has promoted "diverse" weirdoes to visible governmental positions. Counterintuitively, those exotic figures are doing well. Even the unimaginable Jewish Almirante in drag seems to be carrying out "her" duties as any Nordic sea dog of the old. 

Monday, October 17, 2022

Intelligence vs Skin Tone


There is a very large study of the causes of American Black academic problems The statistical analysis of the raw results is complicated, and above my pay grade. It seems to say that black/blueish-toned  African immigrants are no less intelligent than Europeans, but the descendants of slaves - in spite of carrying 17% European ancestry - are talentless. Chinese-European mestizos seem the most talented of all. Since I have not met American Blacks for decades, the issue is irrelevant to me, and will not spend thinking time about it. 

Friday, October 14, 2022

China's reaction against a bioweapon

China has painted itself into a corner.  With its uncompromising policy of zero COVID, now it has no herd immunity, and the day it softens its isolation policy, millions will get sick. The hated Xi dictatorship cannot allow that to happen. With time, they will find a solution and also, a way to explain it to their non-voting citizens. 

China's reaction to this bioweapon attack (if it was that) was instinctive: total isolation. Isolation was the historical reaction of China (and Japan) to the first contact with Europeans. Japan understood relatively fast (two hundred years) that isolation does not work, and adopted the opposite policy of openness. China of our days apparently is still unable to react fast and flexibly to a new situation. In the pic.: massive disinfectant spraying in all cities. COVID is a virus that spreads by personal contact, exterminating rats and insects is indifferent to the virus. I think it is another wrong reaction, and I am surprised because the Chinese people are very far from being stupid. 

My conclusion is that China is impotent and will lose against a tricky, crafty, crooked enemy, such as the USA. We go by the Bible: "You shall wage war by the way of deception."

If it is true that the USA created and liberated this bioweapon, well, it is being a success. China's GNP growth has been stopped. Israel's reaction was the fastest and most audacious, and it is successful. I am happy and proud. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Do you want to own a share in the German heavy industry?

Of the more than 300 companies listed in the strictly regulated Prime Standard of the Deutsche Börse , one comes pretty close to the P/E of one: Salzgitter AG from the city of the same name in the northern Harz foothills. The value of the company on the stock exchange is currently estimated at almost 1.2 billion euros. Profit after tax tripled in the first half of the year to 781 million euros. 

That means that the P/E of Salzgitter approaches 1. So probably it will pay a very nice dividend. Is it a buy? Yes, to the point that German heavy industry is facing a really hard future, because of the price of energy, and the rise of the dollar (aka American imperialism). 


PD 13-10-22: The speculation with Salzgitter involves many expenses: Shekel to Euro + commission to my bank + commission to German bourse agent + then: the reverse operation to shekel. I need to spend 5-6% just to start.