Thursday, March 14, 2019


I lectured today in Ariel, the students got interested in the Middle East water economy and arrived home late. The ICON Design Center gym project meeting (I was absent) ended well. Ireceived an ugly mail from the Vaad HaBayt (the house consorsium) because a humidity issue and that ended my bliss and depressed me. Tomorrow will be a new day.

Yesterday I sold shares of the Israel Corporation and today they sunk 5%. The owner decided to get out of the oil refining business and to sell his shares in BAZAN the Haifa Refinery. I have sold at the peak, for once. Today I read that the Eugene Wigner paradox, that in the quantum realm there are no facts, has been demonstrated. Two persons can see the same "fact" differently and both be right. How can that be? No one knows. One possible solution is that the universe is a simulation. But who would create such thing and for what purpose?

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