Monday, May 2, 2022

Israel in the New World Order

 Reading Chinese papers I was surprised by a mention of The Epoch Times publication, which I had never heard about before. I went directly to its website and spent an hour watching a Victor Hanson interview. The professor is very pessimistic, the post-WWII American order is collapsing and the Ukraine war can easily evolve into a worldwide conflagration. Yet he ends with an optimistic vision of America leading a Western alignment, which is much stronger than China alone. 

Alone among Western gurus he said some very ugly but true things about the Ukrainians. For example that half-million Ukrainian volunteers defended the Atlantic coast and when Americans landed, they were "welcomed" by Ukrainian-speaking Wehrmacht soldiers. Putin is right about them being Nazis. It is somewhat amazing to watch the Jewish comic actor hired by the Nazi forces to play the role of their Leader. 

Anyway, some of the remaining Ukrainian Jews that are part of the 5 million Ukrainian refugees are making aliyah instead of moving to Switzerland. Source.  

In 2021 there were some 30,000 new immigrants, and the wave is growing. Israel's population grew 2% year-to-year and we are approaching 7 million Jews here. Natural increase is rising - there is hope ahead. American Jews (as all decent city Whites) are feeling increasingly out of place. Whites are evacuating in mass the cities because of the physical violence, the third-world cultural and political environment, the education centered on woke ideology, the oppressive taxation and legislation. Some Jews are already thinking this it is not for them and their families. 

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