Friday, February 17, 2023

Exploitation and Opression

A number of Ashkenazi Jewish remains were discovered in the old synagogue (pic) of Erfurt. In the 11th century, they were killed and put into a hole. It is interesting because they are the early knowledge we can have of the seed communities of Eastern Germany. Erfurt was an important trading town because of its location, near a ford across the Gera river. Having exterminated the local Jews, the Municipal Government found that they had been the largest taxpayers and now they had no resources. So they called the area Jews to move back and they re-settled Erfurt.

Something similar happened in Vac (Weitzen), the German-populated city in Hungary. The town is located on a ford of the Danube, the nearest one is Buda, some 70 km East. My grandfather was the largest taxpayer of the place. When the Jews were ghettoized and sent to Auschwitz, the economic turnover of the city disappeared and the inhabitants became poor. But the Jews did not come back and there are no spare Jews to take their place.

Israel is prospering. In 2022 it grew by 7% (GNP), the top of the OECD countries and the rest. We are now a highly developed rich country. Imagine where we could be without carrying the Arab handicap.   

What I am saying is that the universal feeling that the Jews were exploiting the natives is the opposite of the real situation. We, Jews, were and are exploited and oppressed in the Galut  - politically and economically - and the Zionist Movement really is our national liberation movement. 

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