Saturday, July 27, 2024

Back (or Forward?) into the Stone Age


In the 2010s, ANERA (an Islamic American Charity) worked in the Shoka area in the eastern part of the Rafah Governorate. Shoka residents were suffering from severe domestic water shortages. Anera constructed a 53,000-gallon (2,000m3) reservoir and pumping station and installed almost two miles (3,050 meters) of pipes that connected the tank to people’s homes. The 15,000 residents of Shoka now enjoy a steady water supply in their houses. (*)

(*) I saw a short video of our soldiers flowing up a Rafa reservoir and a 3-unit pumping station. HAMAS places weapons deposits and tunnels always near or in "sanctuary" points, like hospitals, schools... and water infrastructure, calculating that we will not dare to touch them. They are wrong. 

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