Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Radio-Kabbalist

Around midnight the famous radio kabbalist is on the air. People phone and ask for diagnosis and solutions, the kabbalist identifies on the run the issue, reads aloud a relevant chapter of his book (I assume it must be relevant, because he mentioned seraphim and other creatures), and gives advice to the crying sufferer. In all the cases he identified the problem as pertaining to זיווגים  zivoogim, that is, pairing = coupling, and he always appeared right. One old maid cannot find husband, an old woman feels his husband stopped loving her, a man left his wife but is unable to have intercourse with his new girlfriend, and so. The kabbalist told this man that there is something still linking him with her wife, and discovered that their engagement rings were stored in proximity, he was told to give away her ring and purify the house burning candles in certain hours of the night; the old maid was led to discover that a rival was "evil-eyeing" her and was told to collect sand from a cemetery and spread it on the suspected rival's door, and so. The kabbalist was very fast and diagnosed the most "reasonable" cause, dictated a convincing counter-action and people went away happy and thankful.

If we accept the magical aspect of human sexual relationships, the kabbalist is like a doctor with a keen eye providing solutions that (in that context) sound perfectly logical and probably - effective. It is fascinating to realize that most of the people live in an alternative invisible universe, where celestial creatures fly over their heads and powerful magical forces cause to fall in or out of love, make sick and kill innocents and gold engagement rings make healthy men impotent. It was early morning when I shut down the radio, concluding that (radio) kabbalah is entertaining, harmless and surely helps many. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

TEMASEK: We beat more pessimistic expectations (= we lost less money than they said)

Temasek, the Singapore national investment fund, published its report, and it is not good. Actually they lost money, in the midst of world financial bonanza, while NASDAQ lifted 15% and interest rates are negative. Brett, the chief adviser, sweetened the pill saying that "Temasek will be seeking opportunities to generate long-term yield and it may also have more time to prepare. The fact that it beat more pessimistic expectations suggests it’s adapting well to a challenging environment.” 

Does he mean that till now they were seeking short-term yield? and that they had no time to prepare? If a fund is losing money in a booming world economy, is it adapting well? Really?

I am getting to the point that stopped believing that famously smart people are that. The person whom I find consistently more intelligent than I am, Gregory Cochran, has stopped blogging. I miss him. I hope he is well. 

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Chinese Artistic Dance

Chinese serious dancing is difficult to digest for a Westerner, it must be learned to appreciate and love. It is like Ferro Quina Bisleri, an old Argentine bitter aperitif, a taste that has to be cultivated.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Ottoman Cadastre say Turkey Owns 26 Countries

Turkey has been holding the land registration of 26 countries that inherited from the Ottoman Empire. This treasure can provide documentation for unending real estate disputes. The Sultan Abdel Hamid II alone had fifty large properties in Jerusalem, which now may be claimed by his descendants. The Sultan had 13 legitimate wives and 17 kids and hundreds of descendants, all hungry to get rich fast. It is probable we could also find the famous "Charter" (agreement) assigning South Syria (Palestine) to the Zionist Movement. Herzl paid for it in sacks of gold, but it could not be enforced while that gonef (Armin Vambery's word, he knew him well) was Sultan. 

The fate of America if China wins

Fourth of July is the best time to wonder what should happen to the American people if the current America vs China silent war ends with Chinese victory.

We can model that scenario using the Chinese treatment of the Tibetan or the Uyghur population. The fate of the Tibetans is no more of interest of the world media: they have been assimilated into the Chinese state and they do not exist anymore as a political, ethnic, cultural or biological entity.

The Uyghurs are of more recent interest, and the State Department estimates that 3 million of them are residing in concentration camps, being re-educated. From 5 to 50% of the adult/active population are there learning Chinese and being transmuted into Han. I am impressed by the watchtower technology pictured above (from Quartz): it is much better that anything I have seen in Israel or elsewhere. Symmetric, clear straight lines, esthetic, non-menacing, functional.

Science fiction reveals the inner life of a people, and Chinese scifi is horrific. The Solarans terrorize humanity into submission and what is the fate they dictate to us? All humanity has to move to Australia. When food there becomes scarce, the Solaran praetor answers: How can be famine when there is so much fresh meat walking on two? Solarans, aka Chinese, are not a sentimental race.    

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Palestinian Terrorists Pay Israeli Income Tax

Taxes are no laughing matter in Israel, yet one of the funniest things I discovered is that the Israeli Tax Authority deducts Income Tax from the payments received by Palestinian Terrorists formerly or currently jailed in Israel. The payments in the year 2018 totaled 502 million shekels (15 million US dollars). The average income tax being 30%, the Tax Authority pocketed 4.5 million dollars in 2018. The terrorists and their families receive monthly payments from the Palestinian Authority, financed by donations from the European Union and the rich Gulf Sheikhdoms. To maintain the usual income levels of the murderers aka freedom fighters, their salaries were increased as from January 2019 to compensate for the tax deduction.

I think that the tax dis-incentivates the fomenting terrorism by anti-Israeli States. The more terror, the more income for the Israeli Tax Authority. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

They must know something

America in full has arrived here. Blacks are protesting police violence. A White policeman has killed a Black youth and the Black community is burning down cars and shops all over the country. The Black was an Ethiopian "Jew", 18 years old, imported six years ago, drop-out from school who was being entertained in a local violent youth club by two social workers. They went outside for a cigarette in the nearby park and they had a fight and stone-throwing. A policeman passed by and tried to separate them, feared for the children and then for his life and shot him.

It was a big and irreparable mistake by the Iraqi Chief Rabbi to declare these Ethiopian highland natives - descendants of the Jewish tribe of Dan. Now they are here in mass and coming more, filling the special schools for retarded and occupying armies of social workers. Only the religious section of the Israeli population tries to avoid letting them into their schools and yeshives, silently subverting Israel's liberal laws. Why the religious are able to recognize that the Ethiopians are not our people, while the secular religion-less majority is powerless and paralyzed? I lost my religion when scientific studies confirmed that praying has no effect on the outcome, it is just magical rituals, and the Talmud is a collection of ancient magical nonsense. Yet, yet, the believers are the only people here acting sanely. We the rest who think ourselves rational, are sick.