Tuesday, July 2, 2019

They must know something

America in full has arrived here. Blacks are protesting police violence. A White policeman has killed a Black youth and the Black community is burning down cars and shops all over the country. The Black was an Ethiopian "Jew", 18 years old, imported six years ago, drop-out from school who was being entertained in a local violent youth club by two social workers. They went outside for a cigarette in the nearby park and they had a fight and stone-throwing. A policeman passed by and tried to separate them, feared for the children and then for his life and shot him.

It was a big and irreparable mistake by the Iraqi Chief Rabbi to declare these Ethiopian highland natives - descendants of the Jewish tribe of Dan. Now they are here in mass and coming more, filling the special schools for retarded and occupying armies of social workers. Only the religious section of the Israeli population tries to avoid letting them into their schools and yeshives, silently subverting Israel's liberal laws. Why the religious are able to recognize that the Ethiopians are not our people, while the secular religion-less majority is powerless and paralyzed? I lost my religion when scientific studies confirmed that praying has no effect on the outcome, it is just magical rituals, and the Talmud is a collection of ancient magical nonsense. Yet, yet, the believers are the only people here acting sanely. We the rest who think ourselves rational, are sick. 

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