Wednesday, July 17, 2019

At last a politician with convictions

The Orthodox rabbi Rafi Peretz is our new Minister for Education. That in itself is a novelty, since it has been centuries since a fanatic Padre was in charge of education in any Western country. Maybe in Spain, under Franco.

The Minister started by offending our Diaspora brothers, saying that they were causing a second Holocaust through intermarriage. The American donors, with their beautiful blonde schikse wives and children, were shocked to be compared to Hitler's henchmen, sending Jews into oblivion. An hour later, he revealed that homosexuals can be "converted" to straight machomen and that he himself converted more than one, strengthening their repressed male principle. The Government announced that Minister Peretz does not represent the official position. Many of the current batch of European leaders are male and female homosexuals and we have no business insulting them or anybody.

In a way, I am glad we have leaders that are not influenced by Western decadence and dare to think differently. 

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