Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Living with Cannibals

It is becoming evident that the Neanderthal people hunted Humans and defleshed them with flint knives. The pic shows the cutmarks left on the bones - the Neanderthals liked the taste of human flesh and left only the bare bones. The two species coexisted in the same places at the same time, a situation that must have been uncomfortable for our ancestors. Eventually, those bestial Neanderthals died off (because genetic overload, vide Greg Cochran) or we exterminated them (in self defense, that goes without saying). 

The co-evolution of this two brother species must have been intense, and in the end, we humans were trained to fight as a group. That was not easy, because in war defecting is always the best option. But not only war was involved, there was also much sex, as humans still carry 2 to 5% Neandertal genes and the Neanderthals must have got some of ours. Clearly, it was not a pure dog-eat-dog relationship, sometimes it was also a dog-fuck-dog affair.

Thinking on this, I may have discovered the evolutionary secret of the singular beauty of the White female. When a girl with cute baby face, long light hair and shining colored eyes fell in the brutal hands of a Neanderthal male, he must have asked himself: To eat her or to fuck her, that is the question. The Neanderthals exerted a strong selective pressure on our race, that caused our girls to become what they are. The Neanderthal selection may have acted on males too, who knows. There were no Neanderthals in Africa, so Africans escaped having to evolve beauty and intelligence. 

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