Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Radio-Kabbalist

Around midnight the famous radio kabbalist is on the air. People phone and ask for diagnosis and solutions, the kabbalist identifies on the run the issue, reads aloud a relevant chapter of his book (I assume it must be relevant, because he mentioned seraphim and other creatures), and gives advice to the crying sufferer. In all the cases he identified the problem as pertaining to זיווגים  zivoogim, that is, pairing = coupling, and he always appeared right. One old maid cannot find husband, an old woman feels his husband stopped loving her, a man left his wife but is unable to have intercourse with his new girlfriend, and so. The kabbalist told this man that there is something still linking him with her wife, and discovered that their engagement rings were stored in proximity, he was told to give away her ring and purify the house burning candles in certain hours of the night; the old maid was led to discover that a rival was "evil-eyeing" her and was told to collect sand from a cemetery and spread it on the suspected rival's door, and so. The kabbalist was very fast and diagnosed the most "reasonable" cause, dictated a convincing counter-action and people went away happy and thankful.

If we accept the magical aspect of human sexual relationships, the kabbalist is like a doctor with a keen eye providing solutions that (in that context) sound perfectly logical and probably - effective. It is fascinating to realize that most of the people live in an alternative invisible universe, where celestial creatures fly over their heads and powerful magical forces cause to fall in or out of love, make sick and kill innocents and gold engagement rings make healthy men impotent. It was early morning when I shut down the radio, concluding that (radio) kabbalah is entertaining, harmless and surely helps many. 

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