Tuesday, July 9, 2019

TEMASEK: We beat more pessimistic expectations (= we lost less money than they said)

Temasek, the Singapore national investment fund, published its report, and it is not good. Actually they lost money, in the midst of world financial bonanza, while NASDAQ lifted 15% and interest rates are negative. Brett, the chief adviser, sweetened the pill saying that "Temasek will be seeking opportunities to generate long-term yield and it may also have more time to prepare. The fact that it beat more pessimistic expectations suggests it’s adapting well to a challenging environment.” 

Does he mean that till now they were seeking short-term yield? and that they had no time to prepare? If a fund is losing money in a booming world economy, is it adapting well? Really?

I am getting to the point that stopped believing that famously smart people are that. The person whom I find consistently more intelligent than I am, Gregory Cochran, has stopped blogging. I miss him. I hope he is well. 

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