Saturday, July 13, 2019

God will provide

History suggests there will be a recession soon.

I took that from the last The Economist. The sentence echoes the anxiety taking hold of the financial world, and why? Because everything is too good to be true, to last. Cannot last, they tremble at night, we are getting too rich and not one black cloud in the sky. Ten good years, the statistics are against the eleventh. In fact, statistics say nothing of the sort, past drawings have no effect on the next one, in roulette, the ball can fall on red hundred times and then the one hundred first too.

I had a conversation with the bank manager, he tried to convince me that my portfolio is VERY RISKY and should invest on Bank of Israel bonds. That have negative yield but are... SAFE!

I don't know if recession, earthquake, the Angel Gabriel or the Solaran space expedition will arrive tomorrow or never, but I reject the concept that their long absence MUST mean that their coming is around the corner. I always succeeded in my dangerous adventures, and I always lament the many, wonderful, exciting opportunities that I let go because of small faith.

Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither
do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly
Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

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