Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Weekly Section: The Spies

This week we read about the twelve meraglim (spies) sent out by Moshe to learn about the Promised Land and plan the military conquest. Ten of them returned with frightening reports: the land was densely peopled by ferocious giants linked by strongly armed military alliances, there was no way we could defeat them and take over the land. But two of the spies reported that it was a land of milk and honey and God is with us and shall certainly overcome.

After forty years of wandering in the desert and training for the invasion, there was no turning back. Moses punished the cowardly saboteurs and gave the order to Bibi Netaniyahu: Be strong and brave! Go! Go! Go!

Friday, June 19, 2020

Steven Hsu, Sacked from Michigan State University

Prof. Steven Hsu, wrote today in his blog: Resignation. "President Stanley asked me this afternoon for my resignation. I do not agree with his decision, as serious issues of Academic Freedom and Freedom of Inquiry are at stake. I fear for the reputation of Michigan State University.

However, as I serve at the pleasure of the President, I have agreed to resign. I look forward to rejoining the ranks of the faculty here."

I am shocked. I have been aware of Steven since he wrote the first list of human differences, some 30 years ago. He collected information and never added a personal comment. Apparently, noticing reality is enough to spoil a brilliant career in America today. But all the fury against reality is pointless, Kings can flog with chains the sea for bad weather and can rebel against God and it makes no difference. 

(I wonder what is the cause of this persecution? Has been America intimidated by Black aggressiveness? Is it fear of the Blacks? Is it fear of sinning by allowing bad thoughts? Are they purging themselves from bad elements? Bad being the natural dislike of the different like xenophobia?  I dont know. Since it is not relevant for me here in Kfar Saba, where there are no Blacks, the whole thing is theoretical for me and I shall stop wondering. For a while.)

On the other hand, I always have another hand, googling what may have happened to Steven, it drew my attention the fact that he is working with the Chinese government in genetics, and promoting IQ melioration that is eugenics. That is a serious issue. No, it is very serious issue. These days in America they are sacking people for working with the Chinese Communist Government, so his sacking - from that angle - may be understandable. America is actually at war with China. If that is the hidden reason, and not racism, then there is logic in his sacking.

On yet another hand (the third one!), it was a petition by the students union and the non-STEM faculty that moved Stanley to sack him. It was Hsu's reputation that made him in and not something palpable or defensible. 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Lies sell

I was wondering why the American media is persistently picking up untrue stories and aggravating existing grievances. The National Emergency of Flint water poisoning was caused entirely by a press campaign based on a falsity. Flint's water supply was managed by the female Black major and his incompetent African team, yet the supposed poisoning was blamed on racism. And the blame has stuck. George Floyd's choking by police violence, a story that caused the burning down of much of American best real estate, was totally fake, there had been no police violence and the criminal died of drug overdose. The fentanyl level in his blood was not visible but the police hold-down of the resisting giant was professional and unable to harm the "victim". The police officer, now facing murder charges, was aware of being filmed and yet not alarmed - he was proud of his technique. Yet, the false accusation was picked up by the press and believed by everybody. The media sniffs blood, emotion, fight, and uses it to sell paper. Its role is consistently evil and destructive. I am not the first to notice it. 

Astounding Stories of Super Science: The Ape-Men of Xlotli

IN another second the flood of ape-men had burst in all its fury over him. Crashing, thundering shots were dinning in his ears, animal death screams and the Valkyrie battle cries of the girls filled the temple. He could not tell how many of the apes were fighting him. As a cave-man’s club whizzed past his head, he drove his knife once, and yanked it dripping from hairy, yielding flesh to plunge it again. A sudden side-step carried him away from another assailant. He dropped the knife to snatch the gigantic club of one of the creatures he had killed.


Kirby was left with the memory of Naida’s great eyes fixed upon his, fear-filled, beseeching his protection. In a second, the ponderous trapdoor crashed into place, and she was gone.

Prophetic sci-fiction from the 1930's.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Rabbi Baruch Gazahi's teachings

Rabbi Baruch Gazahi, a member of the Knesset by the Sepharadi Party, explains the consequences of immodesty in Jewish women. .

"A woman who was used to revealing her upper parts usually is reincarnated as a cow, whose upper parts are exposed."

"That is why women have to be covered up there. This is one of the reasons women suffer from breast cancer, because everyone looks at them and it causes the evil eye."

Every day I am learning something. 

Saturday, June 13, 2020

The White Couple controversy

Google "White Couple" and you get a multitude of pictures - but none of a standard straight European man + woman couple. Among the pic I found this one the most atypical.

Google also presented an explanation (because this abnormality has called the attention of many googlers) and they say it is their word based AI that gets confused.

No one believes it. Of course it is a lie. AI can distinguish between black and white. Why they do this? because they fear the mere accusation of racism however fantastic it may be. They know their public and they think that they are savage, stupid, paranoid lunatics. Google managers will go to incredible extent to conform to what they perceive as social norms to be allowed to run their business.

BTW, Winston Churchill has become a non-person on googledom. Google explains: 

Churchill has become engulfed in controversy after a Black Lives Matter protest in central London last weekend led to his statue being defaced with the word "racist".

The vandalism was widely condemned but Churchill critics also argue he was consistently bigoted and discriminatory to non-whites during his lengthy political career, with his policies leading to the death of millions during famine in India in 1943.