This week we read about the twelve meraglim (spies) sent out by Moshe to learn about the Promised Land and plan the military conquest. Ten of them returned with frightening reports: the land was densely peopled by ferocious giants linked by strongly armed military alliances, there was no way we could defeat them and take over the land. But two of the spies reported that it was a land of milk and honey and God is with us and shall certainly overcome.
After forty years of wandering in the desert and training for the invasion, there was no turning back. Moses punished the cowardly saboteurs and gave the order to Bibi Netaniyahu: Be strong and brave! Go! Go! Go!
After forty years of wandering in the desert and training for the invasion, there was no turning back. Moses punished the cowardly saboteurs and gave the order to Bibi Netaniyahu: Be strong and brave! Go! Go! Go!