Saturday, June 13, 2020

The White Couple controversy

Google "White Couple" and you get a multitude of pictures - but none of a standard straight European man + woman couple. Among the pic I found this one the most atypical.

Google also presented an explanation (because this abnormality has called the attention of many googlers) and they say it is their word based AI that gets confused.

No one believes it. Of course it is a lie. AI can distinguish between black and white. Why they do this? because they fear the mere accusation of racism however fantastic it may be. They know their public and they think that they are savage, stupid, paranoid lunatics. Google managers will go to incredible extent to conform to what they perceive as social norms to be allowed to run their business.

BTW, Winston Churchill has become a non-person on googledom. Google explains: 

Churchill has become engulfed in controversy after a Black Lives Matter protest in central London last weekend led to his statue being defaced with the word "racist".

The vandalism was widely condemned but Churchill critics also argue he was consistently bigoted and discriminatory to non-whites during his lengthy political career, with his policies leading to the death of millions during famine in India in 1943.

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