Sunday, June 28, 2020

How is that no one is destroying statues in Israel?

This destructive question is discussed in a full page by the fishwrap HaAretz and offers an illustrated list of candidates that, according to the left, should be eliminated from Israeli history books and streets. Who are they?  "Gandhi", for example, an Iraqi Jewish patriot, who was murdered by Palestinian terrorists. Yair Stern, the  founder of the Irgun, the forerunner of the Likud party now in power, who was shot in cold blood by the British Colonial Police. (left: 1000 pounds prize offered for his head). And other patriots like them. HaAretz anti-Jewish paper would love to provoke fire and chaos like the Blacks are causing in America. Apparently they imagine that a civil war in Israel would result in their benefit. 

If you google Yair Shtern, you will be surprised to be shown many Black women with flowers.  

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