Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Never a dull moment for Israelis

Now we have been informed officially that Israeli forces are taking part in the protection of the free flow of oil from Kuweit and Saudia though the "Persian" Gulf. We are part of the coalition of forces led by the Americans. The pic shows the Royal Navy in the Gulf, they are the best. The good luck of some Israeli boys provides them the opportunity of exciting adventures in mysterious Arabia. Never a dull moment! 

Monday, August 5, 2019

Fear Maddens World Markets

America proposed to impose tariffs on Chinese products, China responded by letting the yuan to devaluate 1.5%  to 7 yuan a dollar. This tit-for-tat strategy made world markets go crazy: the NASDAQ fell 6% and gold rose 2%. President Xi says the USA is spreading disorder. Democracies, from Athens on, always do. The world seems to show signs of falling apart and preparing for a new World Order. China feels strong, forgetting that the Chinese are a trading non-martial people, facing always the same Western pirate nations (pic. Wikingers). 

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Friday, August 2, 2019


They are missing the yidn. 

Napoleon Hill was right

A good self help booklet of my past was Think and Get Rich by Napoleon Hill. He advised to imagine several figures, each with its own personality and point of view, and maintain a virtual debate (all in one's mind) about what to do. Say, I visualize my virtual advisers or "ascended masters" as Mel Brooks (pic), Victor Davis Hanson, my friend Pablito Kahan, Soros Gyuri, my dear Mother, etc. each one offering their personal point of view.  

Now I read a paper evaluating the effectivity of this method, which resembles the mind of machine learning, and it works! Source

Colonial Settler Studies

I received an academic paper  from a post-doc about Disabling Bodies of/and Land: Reframing Disability Justice in Conversation with Indigenous Theory and Activism. 

"By highlighting Indigenous struggles to protect Mother Earth and her sacred resources, we suggest that Indigenous ontology-specifically relationships to land (Deloria, 1972)-challenges disability theory at the epistemological level by rejecting the taken-for-granted dualism between the environment and (dis/abled) humans within (settler) disability studies."

What can I add? She also wrote a lot about horses and Indians. 

PS: Having written lately a number of academic papers in English, I feel capable of preparing a paper on Palestine using the latest Colonial Settler studies slang. I mean, you had those Aramaic speaking Jewish peasant villages in the Galilee that were brutally colonized during the 6th Century Arab invasion. The beautiful synagogues were leveled and the natives were reduced to second class status, and forced to pay extra heavy taxes. Their language was replaced by the colonist language and religion. By the 20th Century, to quote the above author, they were still "heroically struggling to protect the Mother Earth and her sacred resources". 

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Hungarian nationalism

Hungary is a homogeneous, stable, middle-income European country, that has been losing population every year in the last forty years. Its leader, Orban, made the increase of native births the theme of his government. The European Union adopted immigration as the preferred solution. For his rebellion, Orban is being converted into an international pariah and subject of internet attacks. Example below where he is improbably linked to two evil entities: Russia and the American right.

"It is characteristic that the government-supported XIth World Congress in Budapest, organised by the Word Congress of Families (WCF), was closely tied to the government’s demographic forum. The Congress is mainly known for being a summit of Russian organisations disseminating the Kremlin’s propaganda and American far-right fundamentalists. "

I was born in Jaszbereny, in the very center of Hungary, and am able to feel Hungarian angst and impotence, and also evaluate objectively the effectivity of Orban's policies. Which is nil. On the other hand, I am surprised by Hungarian xenophobia, since traditionally it was very welcoming to immigrants such as Germans, Jews and other peoples. Hungarians themselves are a mixture of those immigrants.

Growing older as I am, I understand the desperate need of European peoples for young workers. I had bought a new faucet but the connection is deep under the sink and am unable to install it. The plumbers around are wealthy middle aged people, refuse to try dismantle the old one and replace it. I would be ready to pay (but not much) to a slim Eritrean to help me, against my personal convictions, but is none available. Importing a foreign working class like Germany and Sweden is doing, would empty Zionism of any meaning, and would surely lead to a South African situation.

The solution to Hungary's problem is to revert to a pre-French Revolution regime, where Church is part of the State and education is its monopoly. The capitalist economy based on consumer demand must be abolished, living standards lowered and demand created by hi-tech wars. Where did exist a society like that? Maybe Japan in the thirties. But I would not like to live there, for sure.