Friday, November 22, 2019

George Vari, a Jewish Life Wasted

Gyuri bacsi, aka George Vari, was a Hungarian Jewish engineer born in the same village as Sarkozy, the French President (another Hungarian Jew). Vari (meaning "of the castle", that was his Hungarianized name), escaped in 1956 to Austria. We may have shared the same refugee camp in Vienna, an army camp. We emigrated to Argentina, he went to Canada and was very successful. In Toronto married, no children. He lays in a Catholic cemetery. Donated millions to universities, mostly to Toronto's York University.  Pic.: the George Vari Engineering and Computing Center. A typical Hungarian Jewish story of my generation. I deeply identify with people like Vari, they are my better me and I am - in my way - them.

Why am I writing about him? Because in the Vari Hall that carries his name, Arab students carried out a violent mini-pogrom against three Israeli students who came to speak. These things make my blood to boil, because I had met many Jewish donors like George Vari who arrived to the annual meeting of the Board of Directors of Tel Aviv University. They shared with me their life history and their hard way to financial success (nobody else had the patience to hear the poignant tales of these very rich men and women). While touring the campus, Palestinian students organized noisy protests and I was at a loss how to justify their generous donations for buildings and laboratories and scholarships - only to be used and abused by our enemies.

The hate showered on the Jewish boys and girls in the Vari Hall of York University made me cringe, seeing my people's generosity serving anti-Semitic hate. In my times at TAU, the university "sold" Jewish donors scholarships for Arab students, who wrote - under some compulsion - shameless fake thank you letters detailing how they loved Jews. I am tempted to advise to Jewish philanthropes NOT to give a cent to them, not a single dollar for projects that, eventually will promote their hate against us, but give their resources - and these are very generous people - to Jewish causes alone. Say no to University of Tel Aviv and other non-Jewish Universities. Specially say no to York University and the likes of it. 


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    1. So you had never met a Jew, my friend. The idea of bringing them to Toronto is to let you and the likes of you to watch, meet, speak to, touch and maybe make friends with Jews. Not the imagined disembodied Jews of your nightmares but real Jewish youth. The Palestinians in Toronto do not want that, because meeting with real people may extinguish the hostility and hate that is fueling them. Anyway, my point was that the tremendous generosity of the Jewish Vari couple has been turned against them and the Jewish people, and I call all Jewish donors to give to Jewish causes. There you have George Soros, another Hungarian Jewish refugee that made a fortune and is giving away for a cause that only intensifies the hate against Soros himself, his family, and Jews in general.

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  5. Firstly, anyone who donates to a university is an idiot. There are worthy causes out there, university's are not one of them.

    Secondly, all these 'mini-pogroms' do is heighten Jewish identity in those who attended the event, and also those who read about it online. It may make your blood boil but as a bulwark against assimilation (the biggest threat facing Jews in the West) they are most welcome.

    1. I cannot say Vari and other self-made men are idiots. Their desire to be recognized and to do good is, simply, misplaced. Tragically misplaced.

      Regarding antisemitism promoting Jewish identity, I disagree. The natural reaction of any human being is to evade social disapproval and to be different. The dream of those rejected youngsters is to be like everybody else and be accepted. Many will dissimulate their Jewish origin, change their ethnic names, undergo esthetic surgery, and other painful behaviors just to be invisible and be liked.
