Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Proportionality in Gaza

The IDF is restraining its response to the current bombardment of the South of Israel out of respect of a fundamentally wrong international humanitarian and legal principle called proportionality. This European concept means that the punishment returned to the attacker must be equal to the actual hurt. When someone comes to kill you but he succeeds only to cut your little finger, you are not allowed to beat his brains out but just to sever his little finger with anesthetics, and no more. Eye for eye, etc. Game theory also says that the best rule is tit-for-tat or tit-for-two tats. Is it so? Most people in Israel think that our response should be to level Gaza like the Allies did in Dresden (pic). Revert Gaza to its pristine, sustainable habitat of grassland for goats and camels. Prof. Victor Davis Hanson thinks proportionality in war is stupid and wrong. He is right. 

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