Monday, October 26, 2020

The Disgrace of Being Born White

Ancient Greeks met Africans (Ethiopians) and became aware of ethnic differences. In "Ethiopica", a story, Chariclea, the daughter of King Hydaspes and Queen Persinna of Ethiopia, was born white (by effect of the sight of a white marble statue during her pregnancy). Fearing accusations of adultery, Persinna gives her White baby daughter in adoption to an Egyptian, who passes her on to Charicles, a Pythian priest. Chariclea grows up in Delphi to be the Pythia, the oracular priestess.

We learn that being born White is a big disgrace Ethiopia. Her exotic background (and her capacity to enter into trances) made her the oracle of the sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi. As the Pythia, she had to keep her virginity, but was seduced and escapes. More inter-racial sex and the story has a happy end. 


  1. White people have a very strange complex about their skin. They feel uncomfortable in it. They are always obsessed and writing about their skin. Very strange and cursed people.

    1. Yes, it has been so also in the Antiquity. People thinks it is something new.
