Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Central American Dry Corridor

Corredor Seco of Central America (pic) is a vast area peopled by 55 million people that is increasingly unstable from the climatic and political points of view. Extreme dry years alternate with floods.

The NorthEast Syrian situation predicts that the Corredor's future is civil war and an unstoppable river of refugees to the USA. It is possible that I shall return to this area to provide water management consulting. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Israeli start-up exits volume

In 2017 it was 23 billion dollars. Israel started exporting Jaffa oranges. Now we export ideas.

The EU explains us the financial sacrifices of living in Israel

The EU is financing many subversive projects in Israel, but they are ineffective since they have zero understanding of what Israel is. Take the project “The Burden of the Occupation”, cost 500,000 dollars, aimed at "expanding support for a two-state solution among Israeli Jews via mass distribution of tangible, relevant, timely and reliable information about the real socio-economic costs (including impact on growth, on conditions in the periphery, state allocations to social services and more) of the continued military occupation of the Palestinian territories.”

The Europeans do not understand that we Jews did not came to Israel to enjoy better standard of life and that we are not economic refugees. Why should an American doctor earning 400,000 dollars a year in San Francisco move to Beer Sheba to earn 50,000 dollars and fight Hamas in Gaza if not for idealism? Having made such economic and personal security sacrifice, he knows all about conditions in periphery (where he lives). What can the EU explain us that we do not know?

The whole idea of financing political activities in Israel is immoral. How would the Spanish government feel about a foreign country campaigning to convince the Spanish people to accept and vote for an independent Catalunya?  

The Rishpon Project

Yesterday we had a team meeting of the Rishpon Project. It consists in an a large abandoned house with a memorial park attached (see the stone with the names of those fallen in the wars of Israel). The house carries the name of the family that built it during the English colonial times, and has a beautiful hilltop position on the "kurkar" (red sandstone) facing the sea to the West and the long valley called Bassa (bitza in Hebrew) meaning swamp. The area was malarial during the Turkish and English eras, allowing the first Zionists settlers to purchase the land relatively cheap. Till the swamp was drained, hundreds of pioneers died of fever. Interestingly, Josephus - two thousand years ago - describes the valley as a paradise, and in fact the Municipality of Herzlia discovered (in my times as its employee) a Roman tunnel across the ridge that drained the valley. After the Arab conquest of Eretz Israel, the tunnel was not maintained and the valley became of pestilent swamp. I sat in the shade of that pine tree in the background and walked away with resin in my pants. The tree is full of Argentine "loros barranqueros" a green social parrot, very noisy. Somebody brought in a pair and they reproduced mightily.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Not a word on the market crash

I am reading the international press on the internet and there is no mention of the almost 3% fall on Friday's market rout and almost 10% in the last week. I think this week was dramatic in important events, yet the media ignores them. In my former blog, I reached the definite conclusion that American media was lying and falsifying reality, that it was tendentious and fake. They keep ruminating about Stormy, a prostitute that once was fucked and paid by Donald. So what?

Stock Market Crash

My saving account is 10% below last year and falling. The market is totally frightened by President Trump's aggressive moves: tariffs on Chinese exports to the USA, and the appointment of Bolton, a warmonger as national security adviser. After eight years of Barack Obama sedate passivity, the world is shitting in its pants. No kidding.

Yet America's goal is clear: it will not allow the emergence of a rival. Not another Soviet Union. Is China a potential rival? Yes. China denies it and tries to maintain a very low profile. How will Trump stop it? I do not know.

Two sectors slumped the most: Technology and Finance. They are exposed to foreign trade and uncertainty. Wall Street prefers stability, but the current situation was untenable. I think Trump is doing what has to be done, he is a strong leader, but I too am a bit frightened.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Dreaming of Three Bodies Problem

Friday is the noisiest day in my neighborhood. People is out on the streets till the evening, when it all quiets down. Sabbath morning is silent and only some religious people walks covered with white talit (ritual shrouds) to the early morning praying in the synagogue.

I feel lonely and longing for human touch.

P.S.: Reading The Three Body Problem trilogy. At first, it strikes how the Chinese author always presents the characters with a precise definition of their academic ranks and their positions in the hierarchy. Most Chinese. Second, in the whole thousand pages work there is no mention of sex or even a realistic romantic relationship; the characters act on the basis of cold career-advancement or other material motivations. Third, the characters have no families nor children. They live in a contemporary Chinese communist society, where the United Nations is world government. Naturally, the lingua franca is Chinese, and the Chinese are dominant. Four, the figure representing the evil Trisolans, Sophon, is a Japanese woman dressed as a ninja, beautiful and cruel.

Furthermore, another feature of the Marxist foundations of the Three Body Problem universe, is the absence of evolution: a man is a man in the past and in the far future. They can be substituted since they are all identical. No genetics, no evolution. Only technological civilization advances from era to era. The bottom line is that the universe is mechanical, although tremendously complex and interesting. God? No. It is physics, that's all.

Science fiction is not about the future, it is criticism of the author's society. The technical fireworks just camouflage the oppressive nature of the Chinese society of our generation.   

 P.P.S.: In our world, Wall Street loves President Trump but now, as it is becoming obvious that Trump is not a standard fake politician but he does what he says, Wall Street is frightened by this unknown phenomenon. Bloomberg's front page:

A Horror Week for the Dow Has Investors Begging for Trump Respite