Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Israeli Police Putsch Against Netaniyahu

The Israeli Police opened a fourth case against Netaniyahu (Tik 4000) and already have signed up a court witness, Shlomo Filber, former adviser to the Ministry of Communications. The accusation is, apparently, that the Prime Minister tried to convince the media to be a bit fairer towards his wife Sarah and himself. They were ridiculing them and Kaya (pic) too. The White bitch had bitten the American Secretary of State Kerry.  

P.S.: The Police has arrested dozens of executives and officers with the idea of identifying those who can be intimidated to testify against Netaniyahu. This is the typical Russian strategy: Arrest a million and some dirt will surface. Ugly.

Meeting the Effendi

Gas stations are required to submit periodically drawings and certificates to be granted permits. I submitted the required drawing of an existing gas station to the Ministry and the company submitted separately the certificates that had to be renewed each year. The submittal was rejected without giving reasons. After several inquiries they deigned to talk to me and understood that my drawing did not agree with the certificates submitted by the petrol company. Since I had not seen what they had submitted, and the Ministry did not condescend to let me see them, I had to ask the petrol company (my employer) to mail me copies and check the whole thing.

After I saw the certificates, I identified two of them pertaining to backflow valves but the third one referred to a nonexistent fixture. I went back to the Ministry and explained that there had been a confusion and the two valid certificates are all what is needed and nothing else. "Dear J, we already have sent the case to a higher instance, so please do not call us again because we are not dealing with it anymore. (... notice how generous we are...) we have not rejected it officially but just refused to deal with it."

I have large experience with these government official aka bureaucrats, locally called "Effendi" (a legacy of the Turkish Empire). They feel that talking to their "Clients" (their web site calls us, the public - "Clients") is below their dignity. The whole case reminds me of Theodor Herzl's trying to get a "Charter" from the Sultan. To be able to talk someone of the Divan, he had to find an intermediary. Armin Vambery, the Jewish-Hungarian genius linguist and Orientalist, who knew everybody in the Court while teaching French to the girls of the seraglio, facilitated the first contact. Then came a prolonged negotiation about the size of the bribe the Zionist Organization would deliver to be granted an interview with the Sultan. The gold was discretely delivered in a silk pouch with red cord.  As Vambery had vaticinated, the Turk resulted a greedy bastard who demanded more bribes and never delivered.

I am not suggesting that Israeli effendis and pashas may be softened by presents, anyway, I am in engineering and not in the effendi business. As Herzl learnt a hundred years ago, you cannot buy an effendi.  

Monday, February 19, 2018

Should we eliminate the concept of reality?

I am following a general discussion on the probability function, because probability fascinates me from very early age. How the space between 1 and 0 collapses to one or the other? Apparently it is all an illusion because in fact it does not collapse.

Mathematician (pic)  Ulrich Mutze wrote: "I don't advocate to eliminate the concept of reality but we certainly have to modify it in an intelligent way that allows it to coexist with quantum mechanics." Is he aware of what he is saying? Modify reality? I hate metaphysics but is it the real thing while physics is just an illusion created by our imperfect senses? I shall never solve this thing.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Why you should never cross a bridge designed by a Purdue U engineer

Donna Riley (pic), the head of the engineering department at Purdue, argues that academic “rigor” is merely a blind for “white male heterosexual privilege.”

“The term,” she writes, “has a historical lineage of being about hardness, stiffness, and erectness; its sexual connotations—and links to masculinity in particular—are undeniable.”

There follows a truly surreal meditation on the existential and sexist depredations of slide rules—those hard, straight instruments that have traditionally been deployed by men—and periodic eructations like this:
Rigor may be a defining tool, revealing how structural forces of power and privilege operate to exclude men of color and women, students with disabilities, LGBTQ+ [love the plus sign!] people, first-generation and low-income students, and non-traditionally-aged students.
Of course, it is not just rigor that upsets Professor Riley. There is also “Scientific knowledge itself,” which, according to Professor Riley, “is gendered, raced, and colonizing.” What should we do about this outrageous behavior on the part of nature? We must abandon the whole machinery of rigorous analysis for something freer, more “creative.” Engineering programs, Professor Riley suggests, should “do away with” the ideal of academic rigor. “This is not about reinventing rigor for everyone, it is about doing away with the concept altogether so we can welcome other ways of knowing. Other ways of being. It is about criticality and reflexivity.”

Her essay appears not in a science fiction journal or a publication intended for the denizens of a sanatorium but a journal concerned with science. This woman is the head of a department of engineering in an institution of higher education. The moral is that things are worse than they appear.

Lifted from: New Criterion

Friday, February 16, 2018

Russian Conspiracy

I read the indictment against a Russian political organization intended to defeat Hillary Clinton's candidacy. It is probable that I had seen some of their posts and articles, but I do not think it was effective. Anyway, their activities were hostile to America. 

I am still wondering what is the health condition of Hillary. I do not think her passing out was staged (pic). I remember a convincing short film explaining that she suffered from Parkinson disease. Was it true? The internet lost interest in her and the truth will emerge only some years from now.

Also I am sure the Russians had nothing to do with the Flint water scandal. I followed the affair from its very beginning. The media presented it as a textbook case of racists poisoning poor blacks, which was totally untrue, and made me lose all confidence in American media.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

O amigo da onça

Dois caçadores conversam em seu acampamento:
— O que você faria se estivesse agora na selva e uma onça aparecesse na sua frente?
— Ora, dava um tiro nela.
— Mas se você não tivesse nenhuma arma de fogo?
— Bom, então eu matava ela com meu facão.
— E se você estivesse sem o facão?
— Apanhava um pedaço de pau.
— E se não tivesse nenhum pedaço de pau?
— Subiria na árvore mais próxima!
— E se não tivesse nenhuma árvore?
— Sairia correndo.
— E se você estivesse paralisado pelo medo?
Então, o outro, já irritado, retruca:
— Mas, afinal, você é meu amigo ou amigo da onça?

Above an old and famous Brazilian joke. Two hunters talk about shooting an  onça, a painted or spotted jaguar. One of them is constantly proposing hypothetical situations, what if you have no ammunition, what if the animal attacks, etc. The bottom line: Tell me, are you my friend or the friend of the onça?

The cartoon: "Imagine, ten years of friendship and he never told me he was married".

This apropo a letter published in the fishwrap HaAretz, one Zvi Kaphtory defending Yakov Peri, ex Chief of the Secret Services, that lied about his military service (see former note). Kaphtory writes that he was a friend of Peri even before he was Yakov Peri (who knew that he had changed his name?), when both were starting in the service. Kaphtory describes the shaming ranks of those times: the elite were Parachutists, below them the tankists, and at the bottom the Kaf-Lamedim and then, the untouchable, leprous ב.כ.ת. (rejected) - Peri.

Kaphtory apparently explains and justifies Peri's lies about his service, but effectively has shamed him publicly. He is a typical friend of the onça, the painted jaguar

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Intelligence from the Enemy

'Lizards with the ability to "attract atomic waves" were reportedly used by Western spies to gain intelligence on Iran's nuclear program, a high-ranking Tehran official has claimed.
Hassan Firuzabadi, senior military advisor to Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, told local media on Tuesday that he became aware of the sqamate reptiles "several years ago."
Firuzabadi referred to one case involving foreigners who were in the Islamic Republic on an aid mission. They possessed lizards and chameleons whose skin attracted atomic waves, he said, adding that the foreigners were "nuclear spies" who wanted information on Tehran's uranium mines and atomic activities.'
I did not make this up. Some lizards do have a photosensory organ on the top of their heads called the parietal eye which can detect changes in radiation in the visible spectrum. The Persian general may felt these Buddha-like creatures with a third eye had to be Israeli spies. This follows the famous Israeli vulture case in Saudi Arabia, the Israeli sharks sabotaging Egyptian tourist industry, and the Israeli eagle spying on Sudan.