Thursday, November 9, 2017

NVIDIA Triumphant

The US dollar is weakening vis-a-vis other currencies, which depressed the Tel Aviv Stock Market. The virtual token bitcoin is approaching 8000 dollars. INTEL has poached chip designer Kaduri to be in charge of the effort to create a chip to compete with NVIDIA, but the immediate effect will be weakening the current competitor. As for now, NVIDIA is the best chip (pic) for bitcoin mining and Artificial Intelligence applications. I bought another handful. Today it raised  5%.

Britain seems to be mismanaging its separation from Europe. Saudia is undergoing a self-coup and two luxury hotels - the Ritz and the Hilton - have been converted into jails. Israel has vanquished the Hamas and Gaza has been passed to the Palestinian Authority's government. The Hartuv design was rejected by the Ministry and I had to remake the infrastructure plan. The client warned me that if I work on the Shabbes he will not accept nor pay for it, so I worked all night and missed an important meeting this morning and finished it on time.

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