Monday, October 15, 2018

Overanalysed Jews

"The Association for Israel Studies lists thirteen affiliated institutes and departments of Israel Studies; there are eight Institutes of Palestine Studies in the world. Plus journals specializing in Palestine and Israel, dozens of international conferences on specific issues around Israel and Palestine and thousands of articles in a wide variety of journals."  writes Jeff Halper in Counterpunch.  

It seems to me crazy the amount of attention focused on us Jews, because no one ever gave a shit about the Arabs. Every word and action is reported and analyzed in detail. Jeff Halper has given A LOT of attention to us and how to solve the murderous hate we provoke by building a country here. He analyzes us on the model of "settler colonist vs natives", just like the French in Algeria vs the Arab usurpers (North Africa was Phoenician land and then Roman. They spoke Latin). The solution should be the same, ie to pack and leave, and let the natives to freely and happily massacre each other and occasionally to invade their neighbors. 

I think that Halper entirely leaves off hundreds recent and historical situations of one people settling on a land already peopled. How was solved the American Indian conflict with English settlers? And the Australian aborigines's conflict with Brits coming from so far? And the Hottentot conflict with the expanding Bantu tribes? and the Pygmies conflicts (conflicts? genocide) with the same? and the Arabs conflict with the Christian North Africans established in the Southern shores of the Mediterranean? And the conflict between the Charruas vs Solis' Spanish sailors on the River Plate? Ah, they ate them. 

My conclusion, when there is a significant asymmetry between the forces, no need nor possibility of complicated legal accords. Life eventually settles the problem, just let it be. 

P.S.: Tried to download a pic of what is called politely "the Bantu expansion" which is the successful extermination war of the Bantu tribes against all the native tribes of South and West Africa. Impossible! All what google offers are pics of European colonial people. For google, nothing happened in Africa till Europeans arrived. The only thing I found is the above article reporting that there is no war and never was. Khoisan is Hottentot in PCese. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The second generation they would be happy not to be a Palestinian. After all, what is the essence of being a Palestinian and what they can be proud of?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. That is the Chinese strategy. But they are already so big that cannot hide easily.

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