Sunday, August 18, 2019

River Mismanagement and Sinking Cities

Let's forget the damming of China's big rivers and the channeling of the high Himalaya flows to feed Beijing. They don't appreciate criticism. Let's look at the Mekong. Soon there will be no Mekong as we knew it through old Vietnam War films.

The big cities in the world are sinking. Tel Aviv is not so big but the Coastal Aquifer below is overpumped and buildings have to be reinforced and/or collapsing. Jakarta's subsidence is 20 cm a year. Much already is flooded. Manila, Dhaka, Saigon, Venice, etc. and nearer to us, Alexandria. If the icebergs keep melting, most coastal cities will have problems. Much infrastructure will be needed, more work for the water engineers of the next generation.

I know, we the Jews will be blamed for all these problems. So let pre-empt them: YES! We did it! 

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