Sunday, July 19, 2020

A forgotten page of Zionist history

After WWI the Paris Peace Conference to distribute the world among the victors. President Wilson of the USA was an impractical idealist and a very sick person, and he had no influence on the outcome. Italy was ungoverned, as always. Russia was paralyzed by the civil war. Basically, the Middle East was divided up between England and France.

England had promised the Middle East to the King of Hejaz, and Palestine had been promised to the Jews. Dr Weizman, Judge Brandeis, Rabbi Wise, Professor Frankfurter and Mr Sokolov shepherded the Balfour Declaration through the negotiations to be included in the final settlement. Opposing these Zionist were... not the Arabs, but assimilationist Jews like Edwin Montagu, Claude Montefiore,  Jacob Schiff, Louis Marshall, Mayer Sulzberger, Henry Morgenthau. They felt that Zionism endangered the tranquility of wealthy Western Jews. The Zionist promised to demand British protectorate and join the British Commonwealth like Canada, Australia, South Africa. Weizman signed an agreement with (bribed?) King Faisal (pic) so he will not oppose the Zionists.

The Zionists won. But only partially, in the last moment half of Palestine was given to a relative of the Hejazi king, who at that time had conquered Damascus and was advancing towards Turkey. The Arabs speak till now of the English having betrayed them. We Zionists were half betrayed and have been working with incredible perseverance a hundred years to correct this situation.

BTW, the Versailles Peace Conference failed spectacularly. It resulted in a second WW and in permanent disorder in the Middle East. 

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