Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Unmentionable Secret of the Africans


A mysterious "ghost population" of now-extinct ancient human-like creatures interbred with early humans living in West Africa, scientists say. The DNA from this group makes up between 2% and 19% of modern West Africans' genetic ancestry. The fruitful interbreeding took place 43000 years ago. 

The ghost may not be so mysterious. No scientist will win a Nobel Prize for discovering the ghost, in fact, no one dares to touch this subject. The accepted theory is that humans are one race, all equal. Of course we are one species. But let's carry out a mental operation of listing the features that differentiates the phenotype of the Asian-European people (Lets call them AE) and the Africans (call it Afr). Make the substraction AE - Afr = what do you get? Don't you see it? Source


  1. "Ancient human like creatures"

    What the hell does this mean? They were humans. If you bring them back to present day, shave them, and give them clothes, you would not distinguish them from 90% of the people out there. Just like Neanderthals and Denisovans. Asians have lots of Neanderthal ancestry.

    1. Wrong. Asian have some Denisovan ancestry. Europeans have Neanderthal mix. Africans have mix from an "unknown" hominid.

  2. So this ghost population had curly hair, big noses, and very big asses?

    1. I have never met the "ghosts" so your guess is good as mine.
