Friday, November 6, 2020

Xeroxat stimulating zooplancton growth

Human antidepressants are found in wastewater and they end up in nature," says Professor Sigurd Einum at the Norwegian University (NTNU). Small changes in the concentration of dopamine affect daphnia, a water flea, stimulating its growth rate and behavior.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

New pandemic COVID-20

The State Serum Institute of Denmark warns the world that the corona virus has mutated in minks and infected humans. The new strain shows diminished sensitivity towards antibodies. There are between 15 million and 17 million mink in Denmark. Minks are being culled also in the Netherlands and Spain.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Our Tanks in Beirut

 I remember when Israel conquered Beirut (pic). My colleagues in the office were lamenting that we had to do it. I was the sole dissenter who said that it was good to win wars and occupy enemy capitals. My generation are Diaspora Jews who are afraid of  walking erect and winning a fight. 

Vienna: Attack on a synagogue

It is frightening to be a Jew in Europe. 

Monday, November 2, 2020

Change Will Come from Outside

 The Israeli left is so despondent and desperate, that they are begging for foreign intervention.  The despicable fishwrap I read, HaAretz, publishes today a long article by someone called Ilem, who arrives to the conclusion that even in the case that Netaniyahu is expelled (מסולק), nothing will change. 

The only possibility of change in Israel, for Ilem, is the wholesale elimination of the elite. He envisions that globalization will lead to its fading away as they adopt a cosmopolitan world view and leave to countries that offer brighter opportunities. 

This was (and continues to be) the illusion of the Arab leadership, that never understood what these highly educated and wealthy Jews are looking for in this remote, malarial, impoverished corner of the Middle East. Pic.: The Palestine Water Supply Company, Tzfat 1920. 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Israel's busiest industrial zone


Driving home from Ariel, I enter sometimes to the industrial zone of Kfar Kassem  - not the upper Jewish Qesem but the lower Arab illegal area. I like the generous salami sandwiches and the air of informal Arab shuk atmosphere.  The place is a lowland, flooded in winter, dirt roads, chaotic and noisy, extending over 2800 dunams (over 500 acres) of land zoned for agricultural use adjacent to Kfar Kasem, at the junction of Route 5 and Route 6 (the Trans-Israel Highway). In the "Heart of Israel". 

It is known that the Kfar Kasem Municipality had issued hundreds of permits for “agricultural and livestock pens” – but in the entire compound, there’s not one single, solitary little sheep to be found. With these fictitious permits, hundreds of massive industrial structures have been built, which are being used illegally as warehouses and logistical centers, and as commercial, industrial and leisure facilities. The city of Kfar Kassem collects about 10 million dollar municipal taxes per year. 

Every Israeli institution wants to regularize the situation, to build drainage and internal and connection roads, etc. Kfar Kassem has about 50,000 Arab inhabitants, and political power. Not even the police wants to perturb the peace. The Municipality does nothing regularize and legitimate the situation, why should they since they love the chaos, the freedom and the multiple possibilities for corruption. 

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Jewish Hell

Old Kohn dies and the Celestial Court interrogates him: 
- Did you pay your taxes? 
- You see... 
- Were you faithful to your wife? 
- In principle yes but... 
Kohn, we see you are not a bad character, but we cannot admit you to Heaven. Take the lift to level minus 30 to the Jewish Hell. 

Kohn arrives and the Reception Commission greets him. 
They take him to gourmet restaurants where uniformed devils pour vine in his glass, a limousine tour with a devil guide, a night club with a female devils show, to the beach full of beautiful girls. 

- Is this Hell? 
- It was when we arrived, seventy years ago.