Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Vienna: Attack on a synagogue

It is frightening to be a Jew in Europe. 


  1. Provoked by Macron, punishment from God for their blind and tribal support of Armenia.

    May God make all turkic countries strong, and may God make the white-skinned sons of Japheth weak. Bismillah.

  2. I am talking about the French of course. Vienna is a beautiful city and a bystander in this recent provocation, receiving flak from France's stupid game. I hope the Austrians deal with the scum and help keep their people secure.

    As for France. Well, God can decide.

  3. Austria had no colonies in North Africa or anywhere, so what is the rationale for killing Austrian people in the street? Blind hate? They want to hurt France and they kill Austrians? If they are blind, they are fried.

    1. They attack where it is convenient, I think, not much of a plan or strategy.

  4. They are not just killing Austrian people. They attacked various people on the street, no regard to their origin. In France one guy went in a church and killed a black brazilian lady. So they are not anti-white racists. I don't quite understand the rationale of attacking a church when the cartoons were drawn by irreligious people, but it is obvious they were triggered to kill somebody, in someplace.

    1. This Vienna boy was born in Austria to North Macedonian immigrants. Wild mountain people.
