Friday, November 6, 2020

Fake News on Biden

All the denials in the world can’t hide the possible president-elect’s worsening dementia.
 At a recent campaign event, Biden introduced his granddaughter as if she were his dead son: “This is my son Beau Biden, who a lot of you helped elect to the Senate in Delaware.” Wrong gender, wrong generation, wrong sentence. He tried to correct himself. “This is my granddaughter, Natalie.” 
Actually, Natalie is a different granddaughter. His son Beau died five years ago. Beau never even ran for the Senate. This is dementia, not “stuttering.” 

In my world, a 77 y.o. man makes mistakes. I for instance, do. In October 2009, Beau - Joe's beloved son -  was considering a run for the Senate. He would have been elected but died of cancer before. Is this mistake in an emotionally charged point predictive? This tragic old man is mourning, sure. Who would not? 


  1. He is not the real president-elect. The real president elect is Kamala Harris.

  2. Kamala is an impressive mulatto woman. But while Biden is ambulant, she will not allow her to dominate him. She may offer her ass to his boss, but Biden will pass. I hope he will select good Secretaries of Defense and of State. Anyway, as I see it, the West's leadership is passing to from the USA to Australia. In 2050.

    1. Australia? They are very threatened by China, and this month China put very heavy sanctions on them. Australia will lead the asian anti-China resistance, along with India, Phillipines, Indonesia and Vietnam. This will be a very difficult battle for them to fight alone. They will need America's help, but if a radical left-wing regime takes power in America in this decade... they may be left on their own.

      Biden is senile, and I think the CIA and deep state organized his campaign and selected Kamala. There was some dark work in the vote counting offices - last minute mail-in ballots coming in, all for Biden, giving him a "push" above Trump.

      Maybe they are very scared of what a direct confrontation that Trump and his supporters were planning against China would do to American economy.

      I think soon the Chinese will go on a warpath, but not like the Japanese in WWII, no blitzkrieg. Through cyberwarfare and construction they will dominate South China sea, and east africa, central asia, and counter the Australian-led asian alliance.

      Immigration was an issue 4 years ago. Everybody was crying about their daughter being raped by third world gangs, and terrorist bombings and beheadings. It was all smoke show, created by the media.

      Now they realize the third world is rapidly getting rich, led by China, and the immigrants who come to their country are getting better grades in school then their native born children. Suddenly the tables turned, and now the whites want affirmative action for themselves.

      I believe Australia will effectively counter China, for now.
