Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Azerbaijan's Victory

The peace has been signed between Armenia and Azerbaijan,  Armenia gave up all the territories occupied by the Azeris. The military triumph was brought by drones: the excellent Turkish drones (pic) and the Israeli observation drones and the kamikaze loitering ammunition. The Armenians had no answer to these new flying weapons.  

What now? Erdogan will be encouraged to apply his drone power in other aggressions. Israel will sell more of its battle proved products. 


  1. There is total chaos now in Yerevan. The Karabagh war may be followed by an Armenian civil war.

    All the refugees from the capital city of Karabagh/Artsakh have left for Armenia and refuse to come back. The places where they live are protected by Russian peacekeepers but they refuse to go back to their homes or rebuild them. I don't think they will return, they are afraid of being neighboured by Azeris returning to their old homes.

    The protestors in Armenia are decrying their betrayal by the government. They wanted the war to continue, maybe until they are all dead, I guess.

  2. You mean that Karabagh/Artsakh was formerly peopled by Azeris and they have the keys to their homes?

    1. Yes, many of the enlisted soldiers were children of refugees from the first war in 1992. For them this was about revenge and freeing their villages, or what is left of them.
