I am being pressured to work like a dog and produce more and more plans and designs for Haredi neighborhoods and Samaria. Money is no problem, they want more and they want it now. Now I have to submit a proposal for a synagogue/school in Samaria, it is a complicated topographic situation, I hate to work under pressure and for anxious nudnik Haredim.
The background of this urgency is Trump. After the unbearable political pressures and threats of Barack Obama, we are enjoying a window of opportunity for building in Samaria (quote):
The background of this urgency is Trump. After the unbearable political pressures and threats of Barack Obama, we are enjoying a window of opportunity for building in Samaria (quote):
Yesha Council Chairman Hananel Durani (pic). said that there are not enough construction plans in Judea and Samaria, and that there are not enough contingency plans for when the Prime Minister does decide to thaw construction within Yesha communities.
"I do not see the main freeze as a construction freeze; there is a lack of building plans" says Durani when asked about the current construction situation. "Even today, when the freeze breaks, there are not enough plans, so today we have to work very hard, not to wait, to prepare parallel plans and to advance whatever we can," Durani said."We have to work very hard", he says, and means this old Jewish engineer.