Wednesday, April 7, 2021

It is all a simulation. The Maker enjoys our travails

 The Scientific American has a long article proving that we are a simulation and not real. The fixed time the light takes to propagate in space is the key to understanding the working of the machine that is the platform of our simulation. It is the clocking velocity of the computer that nothing in the simulation can change. I add the strange fact that there is limit in the subatomic world as well in the universe that we cannot see nor trespass, that also proves that our reality is fabricated as an enclosed system and not "real". So, there is a Maker of the Universe who enjoys our conscience and feeds on our doings. It is similar to the original God of Moses, who creates universes and destroys them if they result less saintly than he intended. 

If so, we better follow his commandments and be his chosen holy people. 

The next objective of humanity is to get in touch with our Maker. Like in Woody Allen's film The Purple Rose of Cairo, where the actors projected on the screen start talking to the audience and they walk down into the hall. 

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