Friday, June 29, 2018

The Worst Nightmare of the Antisemites, Realized: Jews rule the World.

Every time I visit an anti-Semitic site or read some article, I realize that the authors are terrified of the possibility that those pushy, aggressive, ambitious, intelligent, satanic etc. Jews are conspiring in the dark and achieving effective world domination. Well, guys, I have news for you: We did it! Donald Trump is not only surrounded by Jews and related to Jews but mentally he is a total Jew or the closest a person can get to being Jewish while being a six foot tall blond German. Observe, the first thing he did was to bring in his Jewish son-in-law into the inner sacra sanctorum of the American government, she sat he Orthodox daughter in the presiding chair in cabinet meetings. First things first and he moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem and declared that America will nuke anyone fucking with the Jews. Just as he was reading Netaniyahu's wish list.

But wait, after publicly fulfilling the non-existing Sages of Zion's wet dreams, what has changed in the world? Nothing. The Europeans keep fragmenting as before, the Korean pyromaniac keeps building atomic bombs, America keeps rejecting immigrants, China is positioning itself for a war against America and so. No one gives a fuck about Jerusalem. The ultimate conclusion is that we Jews and our trifling conspiracies import little or nothing and in fact, nothing changes as "we" rule the world. Basically we Jews are a noisy but utterly unimportant people in the this small patch of rocky desert with an unbearable climate. Some clever people has already realized this, but the alternative, that NOBODY rules the world, that is it utter chaos, is unthinkable, and dangerous. Nietzsche wrote that God is dead and no one is replacing him, and went crazy.

Ruling the world and being marginal, irrelevant? A humbling insight, is it.