Friday, May 17, 2019

America under the influence of the Szar Evő conspiracy

Thinking on the net zero water house idea, I suddenly realized that the American Government has fallen under the influence of the occult followers of the cryptic conspiratorial "szarevo" philosophy.
The remote origin of the szarevo school is unknown  (although it was already known in the Antiquity as skatophagos), but in my times in Hungary it was widespread among Jewish and Calvinist upper-middle-class people with comfortable living standards, who did not publicly declare their doctrine but anyway, they were easily identified by their bizarre behavior,  The szarevo secret philosophy maintains that to waste is a mortal sin, and although they are wealthy they live like beggars and force extreme austerity on their families, servants, friends. In fact, the etymology of szar-evo is shit-eaters. I do not know if they drink their urine and eat (mixed with the cheapest rotten bread crumbs) their own excrements. If they do not do so, they act suspiciously like that. In school, I had a colleague called Fermin, who masturbated daily (as we all used to do) and collected the sperm in a bottle, which he kept in the kitchen refrigerator. He had not worked yet out what he would do with the increasing amount of sperm, but he strongly felt that it should not be wasted and flushed down the toilet.

Are the szarevo an organized sect secretly imposing their esoteric doctrine on the Government and the American people? Considering the bizarre and extreme recycling scheme of the net zero water house idea, they must certainly be very influential. They have convinced Americans that waste is a sin against the Planet, and having the world's most efficient water infrastructure and illimited freshwater resources in the Great Lakes and their majestic rivers, they should go thirsty and/or drink their own piss. We need a non-antisemite twin of Prof. Kevin MacDonald to write a book about how a handful of Hungarian szarevo refugees infiltrated American Government and is forcing the whole county to follow their bizarre eating habits. They are dictating to build stinking expensive homes and to live in them, and unnecessarily recycle all at a large cost.

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