The extreme politically correctness reigning in London is more oppressive than Stalin's dictatorship. Take the tour in the wonderful British Museum although the emphasis is on African achievements. For example, the guide stopped in front of this Nubian sphinx and explained it African features. I am biased but to me, the sphinx does not look particularly Black. She parroted the official creed that Egyptian civilization was Black.
"Much ado about nothing" was staged in revolutionary Mexico as a protest against President Trump's separation wall. Half of the actors were Africans and anorectic females assumed male soldier's roles. After the show there was a meeting with three actors, confused young colored things just out of actors school, who seemed most comfortable with the PC imbecilities they were performing. The girls loved wearing over the shoulder bandoleer belts, the boys the fake Spanish skirts. I was about to ask how they felt about the play's so unPC subject matter: marriage cancelled because of a false rumor that the girl had lost her virginity, then she (fake) killing herself. But then an American protested that in the final scene an American flag was trampled over, and the moderator hastened to close the session. Anyway, Fritz Karinthy the Budapest wit, said that actors have no opinions of their own, they paint themselves and believe they are somebody else.
London has a Muslim mayor, the city is or was very important for Jews like the Rotshchild family and other Zionists interests.