Thursday, July 19, 2018

Social Revolution in Israel

The rights of homosexuals in Israel have advanced much further than anywhere in the world. Already we have forgotten the fight for legal marriage, that war was won a long time ago. The protests of today demand the right to have children. You may ask - Who is forbidding them to have children? Mother Nature. Just kidding. They are not satisfied with quasi-natural solutions like fake marriage between lesbians and homos, or other arrangements, they are demanding that the State make them a baby. No kidding.

The Israeli State has organized a framework for voluntary womb-mothers paid by the State, that provide infertile couples the possibility to have babies. Lately, the right to enjoy the benefits of the system has been extended to more categories such as elder couples and lesbian couples and others. Now male homosexuals are demonstrating for the right of a government provided and paid for  descendent. The most interesting phenomenon is that private high tech companies are giving a free day to those wishing to attend the protests, and the Histadrut (the Workers Union) has declared a national strike to this effect. The right to have a child in Israel is sacred and the cause of the homosexuals is very popular.

A revolution, soon to come to America. 


  1. Azerbaijan is a primitive country. We don't have gays, or left, or right, or even "politics" like you have in Israel.

    Basically our politics is a never-ending Mexican soap opera about rival clans battling it out.

  2. Sometimes when I read blogposts or comments from Westerners, whites, or Israelis, I feel like I am reading an alien speaking and not a normal human being.

    Some kind of weird-ass future human being. No offense.

    1. The new world will reach Azerbaijan soon. Look at Turkey how modern it is. And it has a prosperous economy.

    2. Maybe some places need to remain a "reservation" where you can escape from the hustle and bustle of overthinking termite humans, and experience the calm and boring grind of life in the past.

    3. I am disappointed with you. Reserves are zoos.

    4. I am not as optimistic as you about the future.

      Strange and bizarre times are coming, situations which we are not evolved to handle.
