Sunday, July 22, 2018

The Jewish Nation is a Closed Club

or was in the past and tries to be. But there are strong forces against tribalism and against keeping strangers out.

Free Israel organization's head  Uri Keidar said, "The law in Israel states that one who officiates at a wedding or marries without properly registering with the Rabbinate may be sentenced to up to two years in prison. Until now, this law has not been enforced." Today a Conservative rabbi was arrested because he married a couple without informing the Rabbinate. Big scandal. 

The Rabbinate tries desperately to keep the entrance to the Jewish nation and to Israel semi-closed to non-Jews and it is failing. Thousands of ethnic Russian and Ethiopians infiltrated to Israel with false papers. People marries as they want, with the Rabbinate or without, or they travel to secular countries. The Biblical laws of ethnic purity cannot be sustained. We are trying to be different from liberal America but America is more powerful.

I'd like to preserve the integrity of the tribe, but it is difficult, mainly because most of the members are not interested.  


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  2. They are misplacing their fantasies. Israel is not an European country and its immigration laws do not discriminate according to race. We accept Ethiopians with vague claims of Jewish religion, and reject Nordic engineers.

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