Saturday, January 4, 2020

Yazidis in the White House

The Iranian paper "Tehran Times" publishes the Leader's reaction to the American ajusticiamiento of Suleimani, who - so he says - was not a person
"The American terrorists, who have the blood of millions of people in the world on their hands, assassinated General Soleimani, in the hope of getting rid of their nightmares. They should know that Soleimani was not a person, a culture based on resistance, defending oppressed, and roughly confronting international terrorism.

The culture has originated from the uprising of Imam Hussain (A.S.) on the day of Ashura.  As the nightmares of villainous Yazid did not end by shedding Imam Hussain’s blood and his caliphate was not stabilized, the Yazidis’ nightmare in the White House will not end and will speed up their collapse." 
The Ayatollah does not see the American action as such but as part of an inter-Mohammedan struggle. In the pic. we see Yazid, his evil nature demonstrated by his love of dogs, an impure animal, and his friendship with djinns, those powerful spirits. He identifies President Trump with the villainous Yazid, who was a Beduoin tribesman involved in the succession dispute of the Prophet. It appears that the Iranian leadership is - mentally - stuck in the Seventh Century. 


  1. spageti, don't give ideas to the Ayatollahs. I have to delete your comment. Sorry.
