Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Wealthy Jews making Aliyah

While Israeli bureaucrats are sucking me dry, wealthy people are leaving their home countries and moving to Tel Aviv. The necessary conclusion is that it must not so bad here as I am feeling.

Bloomberg:  "Wealthy Londoners are leaving the city as new taxes make it expensive to inherit. Losing wealthy individuals is normally a sign of trouble in the political economy of a country. Rich people are often the first people to leave, because they can -- unlike the middle class or the poor. Cities that saw large inflows of HNWIs include Auckland, Dubai, Montreal, New York, Tel Aviv and Toronto, the report showed."

HNWI: People who has more than a million dollars liquid.


  1. During the 2008 economic crash there was also a large influx of wealth to Tel Aviv, probably just Jews protecting their money.

  2. I don't think so. Money is safer in the USA.
