Sunday, March 11, 2018

A Horse Walks Into a Bar

Thursday night we went to the Kameri theater in Tel Aviv to David Grossman's "A Horse Walks Into a Bar" - a kind of stand-up black comedy. I could review the opus but someone did it better for me. The Washington Post.  Surprisingly, the WP reviewer Ken Kalfus noticed the same things I did and his review succeeded in sharpening some of my observations. The black, tragic joke of Dobaleh, from a family of dwarves that "passed through" Auschwitz death camp, that "we could say that Mengele is our family doctor" is notable. Kalfus writes that Dobaleh is dying, but that was left out of the act or I missed it (Kalfus is reviewing the book, which I did not read). I may have missed some details and I don't know if the people that stood up and left in the middle was real paying public or actors playing the part of the public leaving Dobaleh's failed standup routine.

All in all, good.


  1. Do you think a War with Russia is possible? Some Russian spy got poisoned in London.
